Formátování datových typů




X Any single character.
N A digit or a letter. A blank is not allowed.
A A letter. A blank is not allowed.
! A letter that is converted to uppercase during input. A blank is not allowed.
9 A digit. A blank is not allowed.
(n) A number that indicates how many times to repeat the previous format character.
> A leading digit in a numeric value, to be suppressed if the number does not have that many digits.
Z A leading digit in a numeric value, to be replaced by a blank if the number does not have that many digits.
* A leading digit in a numeric value, to be displayed as an asterisk if the number does not have that many digits.
, A comma in a numeric value greater than 1,000. This is replaced by a period in European format. It is suppressed if it is preceded by a Z, *, or >, and the number does not have enough digits to require the comma.
. A decimal point in a numeric value. This is replaced by a comma in European format.
+ A sign for a positive or negative number. It is displayed as + for a positive number, and as – for a negative number.
A sign for a negative number. It is displayed as – for a negative number. For a positive number it is suppressed if it is to the left of the decimal point in the format, and replaced by a blank if it is to the right.



  • Celočíselní hodnota 1234 s použitím formátu $>,>>>ABC bude zobrazena jako $1,234ABC.
  • Definice znakové proměnné text_output o délce 70 znaků:
    define variable text_output as character format „x(70)“ no-undo.




