wordpress – Užitečné pluginy

Od posmura
  1. Active Directory Integration – Allows WordPress to authenticate, authorize, create and update users through Active Directory
  2. ARYO Activity Log – Get aware of any activities that are taking place on your dashboard! Imagine it like a black-box for your WordPress site. e.g. post was deleted, plugin was activated, user logged in or logged out – it’s all these for you to see.
  3. Custom Background Extended – Allows users to create custom backgrounds for individual posts, which are displayed on the single post page. It works alongside any theme that supports the WordPress custom-background feature.
  4. Custom Meta Widget – Clone of the standard Meta widget with options to hide thlogin, admin, entry and comment feed, WordPress.org and /custom links.
  5. Idle Logout – Automatically logs out inactive users.
  6. iframe – [iframe src=“http://www.youtube.com/embed/A3PDXmYoF5U“ width=“100%“ height=“480″] shortcode
  7. Lazyest Gallery – Easy Gallery management plugin for WordPress with automatic creation of thumbnails and slides, an integrated slideshow and commenting per image.
  8. Lazyest Gallery Extra Fields – Add your extra fields to Folders and Images in Lazyest Gallery
  9. MapPress Easy Google Maps – MapPress makes it easy to insert Google Maps in WordPress posts and pages.
  10. Peter’s Login Redirect – Redirect users to different locations after logging in. Define a set of rules for specific users, user with specific roles, users with specific capabilities, and a blanket rule for all other users. This is all managed in Settings > Login/logout redirects.
  11. New Post Notification – Simply notifies users if a new post has been published. This is an addon for User Access Manager. Users will only be notified if they have access. Your subscribers can also decide which posts they would like to be noticed on.
  12. TablePress – TablePress vám umožňuje vytvářet a spravovat tabulky ve vašich stránkách a příspěvcích, aniž byste museli znát jazyk HTML, a také přidává užitečné funkce pro návštěvníky vašich stránek.
  13. User Access Manager – Manage the access to your posts, pages, categories and files.
  14. User Role Editor – Change/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
  15. W3 Total Cache – The highest rated and most complete WordPress performance plugin. Dramatically improve the speed and user experience of your site. Add browser, page, object and database caching as well as minify and content delivery network (CDN) to WordPress.
  16. WP-Filebase – Adds a powerful downloads manager supporting file categories, download counter, widgets, sorted file lists and more to your WordPress blog.
  17. WP Security Audit Log – Identify WordPress security issues before they become a problem and keep track of everything happening on your WordPress, including WordPress users activity. Similar to Windows Event Log and Linux Syslog, WP Security Audit Log will generate a security alert for everything that happens on your WordPress blog or website. Use the Audit Log Viewer included in the plugin to see all the security alerts.
  18. WP Sitemap Page – Add a sitemap on any page/post using the simple shortcode [wp_sitemap_page]
  19. WP Wunderground – Get accurate and beautiful weather forecasts powered by Wunderground.com for your content or your sidebar.